Currently Bitwise is distributed on a per-user basis.
Please contact Red Balloon Security to receive a copy of Bitwise.
If there are any problems in the course of installing and using the Bitwise GUI, please reach out to [email protected]
tar xf "bitwise-gui-0.4.0.tar.gz"
Inside the extracted tar directory, you can run Bitwise with the following command, or by double clicking the application:
Download the Linux AppImage executable. Mark it as executable by running the following command in the folder where Bitwise was downloaded:
chmod +x "Bitwise GUI-0.0.1.AppImage"
To run the file, double click it, or do run the following command from the folder where Bitwise was downloaded:
./Bitwise\ GUI-0.0.1.AppImage
AppImages require FUSE to run.
./Bitwise\ GUI-0.0.1.AppImage --appimage-extract
./squashfs-root/bitwise-gui --no-sandbox
Download the macOS installer DMG file. Double click the DMG and drag the “Bitwise GUI” application into the “Applications” folder.
Once installed, run Bitwise from the Applications folder by double clicking it.